So, good ol' wonder-full Bobby McFerrin was definitely on to something, way back when he recorded his hit-song called, 'Don't Worry Be Happy'... (see the video below)... Today's holy doodle is kinda like that except with one little added shift... 'Don't Worry Feel Happy'... It's through our vibrational feelings where we resonate and create our life - from the present moment-feeling forward... This quote from the song say's it all... 'In every life we have some trouble... but when you worry you make it double.' I do my best to remember one known universal law that says.... what you focus on, expands' or... 'what you feel expands'... and so, the thing to know is this... We get what we focus on whether it's negative or positive... So, perhaps it may be wise to connect with your heart on what you're thinking or feeling within any given moment... as you're vibrating or holding that whatever resonance - as that your vibration is creating your life... and, don't forget you can choose how you think or feel anytime, anywhere... One of the biggest lessons i ever learned is, that we always have choice within any given moment to choose how we wish to resonate in the world, as we walk this earth path... So, what are you feeling or... creating right now, in this moment - for you? It's your choice and no one else's............. with brightest blessings, weaver x (((o))) Can you see the surprise guest in Bobby's video?... a young Robin Williams
A few years ago we were visiting family before we embarked on a road trip to Oregon state. During our time hangin' and having fun with our granddaughters, my partner was having extra special fun showing them how to do jumping jacks...
She's very good at jumping jacks. She showed them so well by jumping about 100 times all at once and it was pretty impressive and truly amazing to watch... I certainly could never do that many jumping jacks in a row... However, as i watched my beloved jump and jump with such vigor and so fast, i couldn't help but wonder if she may hurt herself... i hoped not.... Well... that next morning, my partner could hardly get out of bed she was in such pain. She felt so bad and somewhat embarrassed sharing this with her granddaugter, Willow, who wisely said to her......... "Gramma, don't apologize for your spirit!" "We all collapse a little; may it be toward each other." - Richard Kenny
Reading this quote really helped me during one of the many times i heard about yet another mass shooting tragedy... Frankly, i don't understand why it seems that folk need to feel like they need a gun to protect themselves... i feel they are choosing fear instead of love... because you can't have both - you either choose fear or you choose love... And, it's during these times of immense loss and fear, when we need each other the most... One of the biggest things life has taught me is that i have choice in any given moment and that empowers me to choose love instead of fear! brightest blessings, weaver x (((o))) Everything is energy... and, if you take a single atom and look at it with a super-powered microscope zooming right down to as small as it can be, what you'll find is simply energy... vibrating, shimmering, resonating energy... We are all vibrational be-ings... In essence, extensions of source energy... thought is vibration and so are our feelings.. and, what i have learned is that we create our life from a resonant present-state of be-ing... Our hearts are vibrational and feel strongly... So, i am always learning to trust my inner be-ing... that 'feeling' place within my heart that informs and guides through my intuition - think of it like a guidance system... My heart knows because i 'feel it'... and, that is what creates my life... In the Hindu Yogic, Shakta and Buddhist Trantric traditions, the heart center is known as the Anahata, the 4th chakra... representing the god of Anahata, the Lord Aadi Shakti... In the ancient language of Sansksrit, 'anahata' means 'unhurt', 'unstruck' and 'unbeaten'... The universal colour for this chakra is a healing green. brightest blessings... weaver x (((o))) |
• note... this blog-page shows my most recent holy doodles... scroll down this page to view earlier posts...
June 2018